Send conditions

We deliver worldwide, all orders leave from Spain.

Orders are processed as soon as possible after receiving your order.  Shipping costs are determined based on the destination country.  Shipping costs are calculated automatically during checkout.  The stickers are sent via letter envelope.

To keep shipping costs as low as possible, we offer tracked and non-tracked options.  Orders that are sent by postal mail (to any country).

 At Diabetescolors, we have shipping options that you can check out below.

*Our international shipments take between 3 and 15 days, depending on the country and the distance within that country.

International orders can take up to 30 days if delayed. Orders often have to go through multiple sorting centers and wait for international transportation, and it is extremely difficult to give an exact date.


If you need tracking you must select the "STANDARD" shipping option when making the payment.

"ECONOMY" shipments do not have a tracking number and cannot follow the tracking process.

We cannot see more information than you can see.

All changes or modifications will be notified to the customer indicating the expected delivery date of their order.

You should know that, to know exactly how much your shipping will cost, this will depend on several factors, namely: the destination, the amount of the purchase, To enter the user data, before finalizing the purchase where it will indicate the shipping costs and the amount you need to get to free shipping will be issued automatically.

Orders placed in Las Palmas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Melilla or Ceuta may incur an additional customs fee for settlement of DUA, AIEM, IGIC ETC... When picking up the package at the destination named above, these costs will be borne by the customer.

Any additional charges for customs clearance must be covered by you;  since we have no control over those possible charges.  Customs policies vary widely from country to country, so we suggest contacting your local customs office for more information.

Likewise, we inform you of the delivery time.  Keep in mind that for the times to be met you must place the order before 11am cut-off time.  After this cut-off time, the order will be processed the next day, since we cannot deliver it to the transport company.  Keep in mind that the cut-off time is indicated according to the transport and that in the purchasing process, we will tell you an approximate delivery date taking this information into account.

Keep in mind that for paid orders the order will begin to be prepared immediately.  If the order is urgent, we do not recommend using bank transfer as a means of payment.

Whenever you place an order with us, we will inform you when it has shipped and we will give you a tracking number if you have chosen STANDARD shipping mode or if you have exceeded €29.90, we monitor the delivery and we will contact you if there is any problem.  For everything explained, it is important that you provide us with a telephone number during the ordering process.

Delivery time and day

Please note that transport companies only work from Monday to Friday.  They do not deliver on Saturdays or, of course, Sundays or holidays.  Furthermore, when we give you approximate delivery dates, we do not take into account whether it is a local or regional holiday at the destination;  We only consider national and local holidays of origin.

We cannot guarantee a delivery time.  Transport companies may make delivery throughout the agreed day before 8:00 p.m.  However, an approximate schedule may be indicated that the company will try to comply with, but is not obligated.  If they cannot locate you, the transport company will attempt a second delivery agreed upon with you.  If after the second attempt they do not locate you, you must pick up the order at the transport company's facilities.

Responsibility for deadlines and carrier

Delivery times are indicative, they cannot be taken as a secure guarantee although, generally, 90% of orders are fulfilled.  In remote cases, we reserve the right to modify the transport company with which we will send the package, but always maintaining transit times.

 Connect with us for any questions.

 [email protected]